Thursday 27 February 2014


Bangalore is a city of mixed cultures, one place that will make anyone feel at home. It has a raw urban edge as well as a cultural mist to it. So, if walking down a busy street you see more foreigners than Indians, don't doubt yourself for being elsewhere, cause you're here-in Bangalore.

We found her when we were loitering around the garden city and here we have "her" for you:
 From her printed maxi skirt , to her buttoned shirt  that's tied up casually, to her round rimmed sunglasses- all made a very well dressed look for this lovely lass.
 Her canvas shoes had the effect of black boots, which she had smartly teamed with her long skirt.
Her woven cloth bag matched perfectly to her outfit, with that very Indian touch. With a big dial watch and rings to add as her accessories, she was our pick for the day.

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