Thursday 4 September 2014

Happy Teachers Day

You are not only our Teacher;
You are our friend, guide and philosopher all moulded into one person enlightening the path of success for us.
We will always be grateful for your support.

Sometimes what you don’t see, a teacher sees in you. And what better teachers than that of a fashion college, they grade your assignments and at the back of their head, are also grading the way you carry yourself. Well, if they don’t, who will?
Usually when there is talk about teachers, the words strict and meticulous comes to mind, but when we talk of the teachers at JD, they are swank, light hearted and mischievous.

So, Happy Teachers Day Teachers, you’re partially the reason we come to college.

A beautiful appearance will last for a few decades; but a beautiful personality will last a lifetime. Her graceful sari wins many hearts. Her big round bindi complementing her personality and adding to her aura and persona is our absolute favorite. Elegance is all around when she dazzles the place with her aesthetic presence.

When your teachers are so perfectly dressed, you make it a point to everyday try and match up to their level of sophistication. He defines the term “stylish men”, with his crisp shirts, tailored trousers and à la mode shoes. Urbane, tasteful, a little geekish and absolutely voguish is his personal style .He brings out a new level of savoir vivre to the faculty of fashion.

She is a lady of grace and absolute charm, could rock a dress, jeans and a sari alike. With her trademark bindi on her forehead and the cheerful glint in her eyes, she walks around the college carrying a feeling of compassion and love towards the students.  

Comes out as a shy person, but his female fan following says otherwise His style is very self assured and his masculine built comes out as smart and polished. There is Something mysterious about such a humorous, talented teacher. The key to impressing him is perfection and definitely an out of the box outlook.

Her loveliness is in her polite, calm and understanding demeanor. She brings a very up-beat feel in her wardrobe with daily surprises. Her style is in her admirable self confidence and her rapport with students around campus. We admire her grace and her fluffy beautiful hair.

Beauty begins with a smile and her smile could melt millions. Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication, and she does full justice to that. Simple yet chic are the key words to her style. Her jhumkas are killer with those sparkling eyes that make everyday a better day.